The Vkontakte "VK" social network (banned by the decree of the President of Ukraine Nº133 / 2017) was the main tool for exchange of personal information between various social groups and people in Ukraine. Network blocking can be bypassed using VPN (virtual private network), which makes the ban less significant, but the popularity of the network among Ukrainians is declining due to new more convenient ways of communication.
Most mobile gadgets have a geolocation system that allows you to see in kontakte where the user made or uploaded his picture. Also, you can change your geolocation and see photos of other users made near the specified point.
This method and thematic publics such as "Troeschina VK * I Kiev" allowed us to collect archives of pictures of users and events occurring in the residential area Vygurovschina-Troyeshchina over the past five years. In the process of analyzing the photo archive, we came concluded that the pictures have a regularity of the plot. We structured them into categories: «In the apartment», «Rest by the rivers and in park areas», «Kebabs», «Intimacy», «Crime and Incidents», etc.
The project touches the fine line, when personal information downloaded on the Internet ceases to be personal, can be interpreted and applied for various purposesand used intentions. In our case, this is an attempt to analyze and structure the moments from the life of users of "VK" of the second largest residential community in Ukraine.
Flat #14. Apartment/exhibition space of artist Mykhailo Alekseenko. Kyiv, 2017.
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