The work is a Museum of Human Civilisation which is established in the future after humans go extinct. The Museum is dedicated to the future archaeology of a tailings dam in Kryvy Rih. A tailings dam is a system of special facilities for storing radioactive, toxic and other non-recycla-ble waste from mineral processing. The work touches upon the issue of man's responsibility for natural resources and chimeric forms that the imprint of human activity on Earth may acquire.
This section of the Museum of Human Civilization adds an important element in the search for causes of the existence and extinction of human civilization. It is assumed that Humans extracted minerals and metals from the earth, and after a process of enrichment, dumped untreated and uncovered waste onto the soil. In doing so, human civilization permanently changed the landscape of the world. This was presumably a reason for their demise.
Curator: Björn Geldhof

In 2024 our film “Clanking, hammering, dispute and gurgling” will shown at the 60th Venice Biennale.
"Tailing dam". Pinchuk Art Centre. Kyiv. Ukraine. 2021
Film "Clanking, hammering, dispute and gurgling". 2021.

Screenshots from film "Clanking, hammering, dispute and gurgling". 2021.

"Tailing dam". Pinchuk Art Centre. Kyiv. Ukraine. 2021
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